
Why we always end up with waterfall by Stephan Schmidt
I realized a new process will not be sufficient. We got Scrum and ended up with Scrumfall. It is not the process that brings waterfall, but drivers beyond the process that forge our environment. How does that work?
20 Reasons To Quit Social Media by Ivaylo Durmonski
We persuade our minds that liking pictures and joining virtual groups gives us a sense of belonging...In reality, we hire social media to distract our minds from our unpleasant, average life. And, by faking photos, to convince others, including ourselves, that our life is amazing while internally we are in pain.
My Life After Quitting Social Media by Ivaylo Durmonski
Before my life after quitting social media, there was a chapter in my life where, I, too, thought that every meal and outfit had to be posed, captured, and tagged.
I give you feedback on your blog post draft but you don't send it to me by “professor mangopdf”
Actually writing about the topic you’re supposed to be writing about is strictly optional.
Relational Databases Aren’t Dinosaurs, They’re Sharks by Justin Etheredge
You see, relational databases aren’t dinosaurs. They aren’t lumbering prehistoric relics doomed to extinction by a changing world. They are sharks. Apex predators honed by millions of years of evolution into a perfectly adapted creature that is just as effective today as it was eons ago. There is a reason they are still around, and their supremacy in their domain hasn’t been questioned.
The Ultimate Deliberate Practice Guide: How to Be the Best by Shane Parrish
...there’s much more to deliberate practice than 10,000 hours. Read this to learn how to accelerate your learning, overcome the “OK” plateau, turn experience into expertise, and enhance your focus. by Alex Kladov
the biggest difference between an occasional contributor and a core developer lies in the knowledge about the physical architecture of the project. Roughly, it takes 2x more time to write a patch if you are unfamiliar with the project, but it takes 10x more time to figure out where you should change the code.
HTTPS explained with carrier pigeons by Zanin Andrea
Cryptography can be a hard subject to understand. It’s full of mathematical proofs. But unless you are actually developing cryptographic systems, much of that complexity is not necessary to understand what is going on at a high level.
Good times create weak men by Nikita Prokopov
Say, the first generation works on thing X. After X is done and becomes popular, time passes and the next generation of programmers comes and works on Y, based on X. They do not need to know, exactly, how X is built, why it was built that way, or how to write an alternative X from scratch.
How Much of a Genius-Level Move Was Using Binary Space Partitioning in Doom? by Sinclair Target
On a spectrum from Homer Simpson to Albert Einstein, how much of a genius-level move was it really for Carmack to add binary space partitioning to Doom?
The Meaning of Life Is Absurd by Lawrence Yeo
Gates’ Law: How Progress Compounds and Why It Matters by Farnam Street
Progress is exponential, not linear. So we overestimate the impact of a new technology during the early days when it is just finding its feet, then underestimate its impact in a decade or so when its full uses are emerging.
Memory Allocation by Sam Rose
In this post I'm going to introduce you to the basics of memory allocation...At the end of this post, you should know everything you need to know to write your own allocator.
Less Complicated Guide for Making Personal SWOT Analysis by Ivaylo Durmonski
Even though there is a lot of circulation online about making a personal SWOT analysis, the majority of the information is mainly focused on helping corporations. That’s why I decided to make a less complicated guide to help individuals do the following: Figure out what you’re good at and at the same time spot what you suck at so you can focus on the former.
Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs by Peter Jang
The goal of this article is to provide a historical context of how JavaScript tools have evolved to what they are today in 2017.
How to be a -10x Engineer by Taylor @
To become a -10x engineer, simply waste 400 engineering hours per week. Combine the following strategies:
Are analytics good? by Lu @
Analytics have allowed me to double-down on artistic weirdness. They also pull me towards getting you addicted to the screen.
It wasn't for me by Austin Kleon
Connecting with a book is so much about being the right reader in the right place at the right time. You have to feel free to skip things, move on, and maybe even come back later. And you have to feel free to say, 'It wasn’t for me.'
Knowledge Debt by Amir Rachum
You should, intentionally and tactically, decide which piece of information you can do without, for now. But you should also, intentionally and strategically, decide when to pay back that debt.
Being Glue by Tanya Reilly
Every senior person in an organisation should be aware of the less glamorous - and often less-promotable - work that needs to happen to make a team successful. Managed deliberately, glue work demonstrates and builds strong technical leadership skills. Left unconscious, it can be career limiting. It can push people into less technical roles and even out of the industry.
The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data's unifying abstraction by Jay Kreps
In this post, I'll walk you through everything you need to know about logs, including what is log and how to use logs for data integration, real time processing, and system building.
The most important thing to understand about queues by Dan Slimmon
It’s counterintuitive, but once you understand it, you’ll have deeper insight into the behavior not just of CPUs and database thread pools, but also grocery store checkout lines, ticket queues, highways – really just a mind-blowing collection of systems.
30 years later, QBasic is still the best by Nicolas Bize
Yet, while most of those QBasic concepts are today generally considered as red flags by our peers, they each served a very specific purpose at the time: to keep the language simple and accessible, a notion that every other language has left behind in favor of flexibility, complexity and logic.
Immortality Begins at Forty by Venkatesh Rao
Almost all culture, old or new, is designed for consumption by people under 40.
The Proven Path to Doing Unique and Meaningful Work by James Clear
...once you start to see that difference in your work from the work you so admire—that’s why you chose that platform after all—it’s time to look for your breakthrough. Suddenly your work starts to get noticed.
Immutability Changes Everything by Pat Helland
This paper is simply an amuse-bouche on the repeated patterns of computing that leverage immutability. Climbing up and down the compute stack really does yield a sense of déjà vu all over again.
The Diderot Effect by James Clear
Why We Want Things We Don’t Need — And What to Do About It
Ask for Advice, Not Permission by Andrew Bosworth
The problem with permission is that you are implicitly asking someone else to take some responsibility for your decision. You aren’t inviting them to participate in its success...
The Scientific Guide on How to Get and Stay Motivated by James Clear
This isn’t going to be some rah-rah, pumped-up motivational speech. Instead, we’re going to break down the science behind how to get motivated in the first place and how to stay motivated for the long-run.
The More We Limit Ourselves, the More Resourceful We Become by James Clear
But there is an alternative. You can use your constraints to drive creativity. You can embrace your limitations to foster skill development. The problem is rarely the opportunities we have, but how we use them.